My birthday! Watching Little Women.
Awesome presents from my awesome family.
One of the best presents from my Mom :)
We voted!
Rachel's drawing for Julia of her dog Huckleberry.
Girls retreat with my best buddies: Me, Andrea, Amy, Audrey, and Bridget
We stayed in a condo in Kamas. We had a wonderful night of talking, eating, watching movies, cross-stitching, and relaxing. I am truly surrounded by amazing people in my life.
We woke up to snow in the morning.
Berry crepes or waffles or something messy.
Rachel made her own bday cake!
A present Julia made for Rachel :)
Fried zucchini!
This little lady is so much fun and gives our family a lot of energy and love.
Her cake was delicious.
Playing in the snow that night.
We went to go check out the pack of puppies and pick which one we wanted.
Anne liked the one in the red collar.
He was so sweet and cuddly with her.
They each had their favorites.
Isaac and James shooting stuff
The black turkey pecked me!!
Anne's casts from when she broke her arm next to her elbow.
Rachel's bday outing.
These shirts got too small but I wanted to remember them.
It was time to go through our toys and sort and organize them.
James "helped"
Ahhh. Makes me so happy.
We went on lots of walks in 2020 (Zac and I) Zac started working from home in March and never went back :)
Trail rides at the equestrian center.
Turkey processing day.
The Taylors had a big one too. Matt and Joey both had to hold him down.
Our nice white turkey gave us a yummy Thanksgiving dinner. I can't remember how much she weighed but it was good sized. The mean black one was scrawny and not as yummy.
Sarah loves this dance jacket that Aunt Jennifer made her.
Oh yum. Best mac and cheese I've ever made. Secret ingredient: eggnog.
Anne's fun zoom Thanksgiving activity.
The kids' Christmas lists:
Delivering our letter at Santa's mailbox at the Traverse Outlets
I cut myself bangs for Halloween and just to do something different without chopping off my hair.
Brining the turkey
I can't remember what movie we went to see...
Just fit.
Thanksgiving Dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's
A short, very cold Turkey bowl flag football game.
After dinner nap time
Anne loves turkey legs :)
Decorating our Christmas tree. That was one of the best smelling trees we've ever had.
Cuddling with Shizzie
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