Sunday, August 23, 2020

October-November 2019

We went to go see a cool old big train that came through Provo.

Playing soccer in the backyard.
BYU Alumni Lacrosse Game
Women's Conference. We didn't get to make it into the Conference Center, but we got to watch and listen in the historic Tabernacle which was pretty cool too.
Fun night with Grandma and my older girls.
The joys of horse ownership. Stacking hay.

Shizzie and Doc were such buds.

After it frosted we had to pick everything before it went bad.
Our last harvest of the season.
The kids' annual pumpkin sale.
Anne working on her explorer project.
Doc also got along with our chickens.
We got to help out a lot with our friends' petting zoo business to help earn money for a new horse after Doc passed away. This little guy is one of my favorites. 

Perks of the job.
Another petting zoo night. The kids usually got to go enjoy the event when we were winding down.

They just all looked so pretty for church.

He just wanted to.
Zac's Bday
Rachel made him a candle.
Anne got him his favorite candy and soda.
Sarah made a lovely card.
I made him a blanket out of our old BYU shirts.
Sarah was awarded student of the month at her school. 

Uncle Kenric stopped by to give the kids a ride on his Gus Bus.

Laundry :(
A few days after Doc passed away one of our huge globe willow trees fell during a bad wind storm. We were so grateful that Doc wasn't there to get trapped under the branches.
Another very cold petting zoo.

This never felt better.
I think I made this for a pie contest at the church....I'm not sure though
This was for Rachel's Bday.
Halloween 4H practice. Rachel, Cash, and Rachel were all Indians.
James was my big helper in moving the branches so we could burn them.
So were my Mom and Dad.

Carving pumpkins

Halloween for school: Indian, Ninja, Witch 
Halloween night trick-or-treating: Ninja, Piglet, Eeyore, Indian, Eeyore as well, and witch
And another Indian (Julia)
Cool Halloween sunset
James' cool mowhawke

Anne's amazing story that she wrote at school.
Our turkey Leftovers was on loan at a pumpkin patch and came back to us huge and beautiful...and a little scary :)
James loved going to his kids' class at the rec center while I worked out.
Shizzie's diaper every 8 months :)

I took Rachel out for a birthday trail ride before school on her birthday on Jack

Rachel's bday party with friends from school and church. Horse-themed. This was making puff paint bandanas.
Four square
Stick horse races

Grandma's beautiful cake and my horse cake :)

Finished off with pizza pie cafe for dinner.
Anne and Jack

BYU football game against Utah State

Anne's Veterans Day performance
Anne invited Grandpa as her honorary Veteran guest. It was very touching.
After we went to hear a brother in our ward speak, Bro. Baldrige, at the Pleasant Grove war memorial. 
Saw Grandpa Hebbert's name on the WWII memorial.
And stopped by Grandma and Grandpa's grave.
Trying out some horses. It was a LONG crazy process to find a new horse. Oh man. This one was awesome but a little on the older side.
This one was called Boris that we tried out at our house. He was a little too jumpy.
Another BYU football game.

Got there in time to see the Cougar Walk and say hi to the players and coaches. This is coach Sitake.

Oh how these kids love Cosmo.

Jamal Williams (former BYU current Packers player)
Fun at the game with Grandma and Grandpa

Working out at the gym
Another horse we tried out was Thunder. He was my favorite but had some hoof problems.
This boy loves the Harbor Freight ad that comes in the mail.
Rachel's Utah performance

Rachel and her buddy Heather

The last of what was left in the greenhouse

I was still getting some yummy tomatoes and lettuce.
James at the dentist. He did great!
Leftovers' last day.

I was so excited for this whole experience. To raise a turkey and then butcher and cook it for Thanksgiving. It was actually a neat and very informative experience that I am excited to do again this year with our two turkeys.

The kids all helped with the everything after the initial part. 

I can't remember his name but this was the man in charge and showed us how to do everything. He was a wealth of knowledge and was very kind and patient with us.

Leftovers ended up being a 35 lb turkey after we processed him.
Mom cooked up Leftovers' feet.
It didn't quite fit in our first brine bucket idea.
So we used a tote.
Luckily we had this second fridge that it could fit in.
Having fun at the arena.

My guitar student and Rachel's horse teacher Huntry came to ride with us one day.
We were still trying out Thunder.

He just barely fit.
Thanksgiving snow storm.
I went to a high fit class at the gym on Thanksgiving morning but it was almost over so I just ran a 5k around the track instead.
Zac went and played in the ward Turkey Bowl.
More cooking.

Zac got a little carried away in our snowball fight.


Sleepover with Aunt Jennifer.

Leftover leftovers
Putting up the Christmas Tree

Mom made this angel for us when we were early married so that we'd have a tree topper.

Thanksgiving with lots of family. What it's all about.
Art projecting with Grandma
Music-ing with everyone

Our Christmas decorations