Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Princess and the Mechanic

Recently, us Thatchers have taken up yoga. It's a very rewarding but very hard way to workout and our girls like it too. Here's Rachel doing her tummy-time yoga routine.

And Anne.

The girls playing together in Rachel's gym.
Such happy girls :)

We love her little bear outfit. It keeps her nice and warm and super cute.
Very good news...our Packers are going to the Superbowl! Wahoo! We had fun watching the conference championship game in all our Packers wear. I'm sure you will see more of this in two weeks when they cream the Steelers :)
She insisted in wearing her snow boots.

Rachel's very cute kimono from Okinawa, thanks Michelle!

I love that Anne's hair is long enough for me to start braiding it. She is getting to be such a big girl. She surprises us every day by how much she is learning. She now knows and can say her alphabet and is trying to learn the song. We are now working on counting and colors.
Anne's friend downstairs, Maija had a princess birthday party so Anne and I had fun making a crown and cape. She liked spelling letters in the air with her wand like her favorite TV show princess, Princess Presto from Super Why (her absolute favorite and only thing she likes to watch on TV...I'm just glad it's a learning show).

And after the party she turned mechanic and helped Dad fix mom's stroller tires. We love our versatile little girl.
I am so excited for my new double jogging stroller! Well, actually it is not new at all, but it is new to us. I found it online for $30 instead of the $200 that it's worth. I just needed to reattach some straps and get a new tube for one of the tires and it's as good as new! I am so excited for it to be warm enough to take out for runs. In this picture we just took it for a test drive around the block. They both loved it and Anne made sure to keep an arm or hand on Rachel. I think she was protecting her, it was cute.
More sisterly love :) She wanted to hold Rachel tonight. She was so gentle and loving. She kept giving her kisses and would giggle when Rachel touched her. Rachel loved it as well and would just stare and smile at her big sis.

Our little stander! What took Anne 11 months to master, Rachel is doing at 2.5 months. It's crazy how each child is so different. Rachel loves to stand even when I'm trying to burp her over my shoulder, which makes things a little difficult.
Anne wanted in on the camera action.
Look at that cute belly ;)
This picture tells a lot. One, Anne(Mom's still learning her name it's Rachel) definitely has her Mama's legs. Two look at that drool all over the front of her shirt, this girl blows bubbles and drools all the time. I'm hoping that doesn't mean she's starting teething. Three if you look at the right side of the picture that is Anne trying to put Rachel's pacifier in her mouth. She actually missed and put it right in Rachel's eye....oops.

So when Anne was about six months old, she would do the actions to songs all the time. Then all of a sudden one day she just stopped and has refused ever since to do a single action to a song. Then the other day I started singing songs and asked her again if she could do the motions and she did every action to every song I sang. The little twerp.

Rachel loves to talk and blow bubbles.

Anne and her interpretive dancing.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Cute Girls

So this blog is pretty much all adorable pictures of our cuties.

Rachel just had her two month doctor's appointment and we are very blessed and grateful to say that she's a healthy little baby :) She's in the 55th percentile for height, 45th for weight, and 33rd for head size (yep, my babies have little heads...and yet they still get stuck). She's definitely not as tall as her sister was, I think she takes after her Mama.

Smiling at her Daddy and sporting an adorable Sunday dress made by her Grandma Russell.
And our cute Anne wearing this cool shirt made by our old neighbor's daughter. I think this is a really cute, neat idea and am excited to try to make a couple more.
Rachel is such a good sleeper, though she is definitely more addicted to her pacifier than Anne was.
Such a smiler.

Though not the happiest picture, we wanted to get a picture of her in her adorable hat and booties from Auntie Michelle and cute dress from Aunt Dawn. These are the only shoes we can get to stay on her feet! Thank you!
I love this picture! It totally captures Anne's love of riding her horsey. She must spend hours every day riding it.
My cute family.


Anne's hair is getting long, I love it! We are both growing our hair out. I know, a new thing for me.