Sunday, March 1, 2009


This one's gonna be quick. Here's just a few new pictures of what Anne's up to.
She's getting really good with grabbing and playing with anything that's within her grasp. She loves ties and strings and even Mama's hair (and surprisingly enough she is actually very gentle and just likes to feel it, also very cute she notices whenever I do my hair differently or have a headband).

Her awesome smile. She laughs more and more, especially when she's tired. She also likes to sing, especially during church or movies.

Our big strong girl finally rolled over again! She is just very content to stay in one spot and hasn't really had any huge urge to roll over or move around. But in the last couple days she's been picking her chest up high off the ground and we think she's going to start rolling over more often. Here's a cute shot of her wanting to be done with tummy time. Mommy's helper.

We got Anne one of those cheapy easy strollers. We love our jogging stroller and we use that for walks. This one we use for going around stores and is a little more manuverable and collapsible. However, you get what you pay for because already one of the wheels is not functioning...urrg..oh well.

A couple more feeding pictures. She is now starting to want to do it herself and likes to grab the spoon. I think we're just too slow for her and she thinks she can do it faster. :)

With the nice warm-er weather, we've been going on a lot of outings! We're so lucky that the library and grocery store are just a couple blocks away.
This is actually Anne's first time sitting up in a stroller. This is my friend's double stroller and Anne's buddy Michael is sharing it with her. This day we took a trip to the duck pond! (Which of course Anne was asleep for this time, but we went another time with Daddy and she loved watching the ducks! We have quite the little observer.)


Juanita said...

Very cute stuff! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I love looking at this blog almost every day , just so I can see all of you . Anne is cuter and cuter by the day. Ilene your writing is so interesting and creative . I love you all!! Keep that camera snapping!!

Northern Nuts! said...

Anne is so dang cute Ilene! I love all your pictures!