Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Spring and Sneezes

Warm weather has finally come our way....and with it has also come allergies (we think). Poor Anne and I have been sneezing and runny all week. We're hoping it's just a cold and that Anne doesn't actually have allergies, but there might be a good chance it is. We think we're allergic to these very pretty but very stinky trees that line the property next to us. I think they're called Japanese Ornamental trees...or something like that. So we at first all spent a great deal of time outdoors enjoying the sunshine...and then have been stuck indoors wanting very badly to go outside again. But here are some cute pics of us enjoying our beautiful Spring weather.

Anne is getting so big. I can't believe she's already a year and half.
She's my big helper around the house. She helps me put away her toys, put the laundry in the washer, unload the dishwasher, and make yummy treats.
Cutest little girl ever :)
For Auntie Jennifer who sent her this cute dive shirt.

And for Gabbie that sent us these much needed and very cute new pj's and outfit. Anne's starting to notice things on her clothes like animals and flowers, so these are perfect!
She is showing the camera the flowers.
We had a fun activity cleaning up our Church building and planting flowers. Anne mostly liked to help Daddy with the raking. Anne had gotten her first sunburn the day before so we hadn't washed the sunscreen out of her hair, in fact we just added more, so that girl's hair was something else.

It's been a little struggle getting Anne to wear a hat when we're outside so I gave her a choice of four or five hats. This is what she chose.

Helping Dad at a Scout clean-up.
Anne is quite the little dancer, she always has been. She now likes to dress up a bit with her necklaces and braclets.

We tried finger painting for the first time which Anne seemed to enjoy. It was actually just blue soap apparently so it was fun and not too messy.

More dancing.

Anne's new favorite game that she learned in nursery is bubbles! She even gets the concept of blowing them....kind of...

Just playing in the sun. Anne helped me get the garden going by putting the rocks in a bucket. She loved playing with the earthworms and bugs. Unlike with humans, she is not shy at all when it comes to animals.

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