Sunday, March 14, 2010

Lookin' snazzy
One of her favorite new toys...I don't know where she gets it from ;)
Our little rocky.
As you can see from above and the pictures to follow, Anne's starting to imitate us and want to do the things we do. One day she found my scripture bag and slung it over her shoulder and walked around. So cute.

So we were just kidding about the whole spring thing. Since the last blog it has snowed twice. still keeps pretty warm and the snow usually melts the next day. Anne's favorite thing to do was play with the water from the rain gutters.
Anne's footprints.

Anne's new favorite word.

I think it's safe to say Anne is officially a walker. She walks around the house all cute and careful-like :) Good job Anne! (We figured out that all of her major milestones have come in six month increments: she sat up on the day of her 6 month birthday, she crawled at 12 months, and is walking at 18 months. We think she just likes to be organized :)

Once again, our little one trying to be like us. What's funny is she actually walks better when she's holding the phone like this...hmm...


Juanita said...

Gordon and I love the 'walkie-talkie'.

Michelle said...

Thanks for the chuckles, Anne.