Finding Easter Dresses. We didn't get these they just wanted me to take a picture.
A fun hike with Aunt Jennifer and Grandma up in Salt Lake.
Our garden produced some big crops this year! She's holding a zucchini and the plant to her left is a sunflower.
A wonderful trip to Crested Butte Colorado to visit Mimi and Papa David.
James loved his new toy from Mimi and David.
Burger King stop on the way back home.
Plums and pears.
BYU Athletics Kick-off
Riding lessons from our sweet neighbors the Taylors
Best Buddies, Rachel and Julia Taylor
Soccer Pictures 2018
Melts my heart.
First Day of School, Anne 4rth Grade with Miss Johnson and Rachel in 3rd Grade with Miss Woodward
Scored free tickets to the Discovery Museum up in SL
Thanksgiving Point Natural History Museum with Grandma and Grandpa
Zac's last day of work at UVU. The kids loved Jake. He would buy them treats and show them magic tricks.
The server room.
Amazing stained glass art piece at the library at UVU.
Official last day of work pic.
First day of kindergarten! This day could not come soon enough for this very eager five year old.
She did not want Zac and I to walk her in at all, but we did anyways. They were doing major construction to the school and her classroom wasn't quite finished yet so they had class in the library for a few months. She loved it.
One of the kids' catches from the nearby pond.
Wonderful 4th of July "Follow the Flag" ceremony. Mitt Romney and his wife were in the first row.
It didn't quite unwrap the whole way.
Hiking up to Battlecreek Falls.
Family Dinner
Art Time
Watching fireworks at the school.
We got a free saddle, this is the before pic but I don't think I took an after...
Oh there you go :)
Gail Halvorsen (the Candy Bomber)
The Taylors gave us a horse! Esther, cute old lady, was our for six days until she met the end of her days (she was very old). But we loved every minute of it. My favorite memory was telling the girls in the van that we were getting her. The squeals should've made our car windows shatter.
The Taylors also employ us to help with their petting zoo. I take a kid each time and they absolutely love it. This was a bunny zoo with Rachel.
Greenhouse cucumbers
A super good deal on shoes and socks from Payless.
I honestly don't know what this is a picture of but maybe it'll make sense when this is printed and I can see it up close.
Getting ready for our "Greatest Showman" broadway review production that the kids wanted to put on.
A German lady that received one of the famous pieces of candy from the "Candy Bomber"
Pioneer Day ward kids' parade
At Great Uncle Paul's house.
Anne rocks at pinball and the basketball arcade game.
A trip to a lake with the family.
It was super fun but a little chilly.
Another cute petting zoo with the little critters. This hedgehog was adorable.
But this guy was probably my favorite. A bearded dragon.
The kids' favorite was the rat.
This made for lots of biking fun this summer.
Assembled by mua.
Anne got a fish for her 10th birthday! She named it "Blue Shine"
The circus was the best part.
Which James slept through.
Another part of Anne's birthday request was to ride the Front Runner train up to the fair. Then she went home with Aunt Jennifer for a sleepover.
Present Time!
Sarah made that for Anne :)
She got an alarm clock ipod radio which she loves. We love you Anne! Happy Birthday!
This is how this potato came out of the ground.So awesome.
Bottled peaches mmmmm.
Tons of homemade pasta sauce.
BYU football game.
It was so neat to go up and visit with Grandma and Grandpa Russell while they were staying at Uncle Lee's house. This used to be my Grandma and Grandpa Russell's house so it brought back a lot of memories.
Celebrating Grandpa's birthday.
Our cute silly chickens will not sleep in their coop. The three black ones sleep on the fence just outside our back door, two yellow ones sleep on top of the coop and one yellow one will sometimes sleep in the coop.
All four kids zonked out.
Carrot and beet greens.Lacrosse goalie helmets that Zac fixed for the high school team I helped out coaching in the fall.
Anne' birthday waiting for the train.
Football game
Trail Riding with Carrie for my birthday! Another thing scratched off my bucket list! (But I would like to do it many more times!)
Loren and Mousse
We had some crazy fire this summer in Utah. Some were a little too close to home.
A hike with just my little man and me.
I can't remember who's but somebody's yearly doctor checkup.
I got to play in a BYU alumni game against the current BYU team. So much fun.
Women's Conference. Anne, Grandma and I found a cool sushi place to go out to eat afterwards.
This boy and mud....
Conference Bingo
Lots of grape juice.
Our new vehicle!!The kids' sold our ever too plentiful acorn squash crop.
Cougar Races 2018
Rachel finished first for the 7-9 age group running the 800 (she was 7:)
Home Depot trip
I feel like this is the most common picture I take of Jet these days.....being covered in mud.
Zac's birthday present. I cleaned and organized his shop.
More birthday fun.
Our second trip to Crested Butte, this time to pick up our horse Doc that Rhonda and David gave us!!!! When Rhonda told this kids she was giving us Doc (over Skype) Sarah started crying she was so happy.
My Mom went with us to see this beautiful part of the country.
A cool rest stop at the border of Colorado.
Jet liked the helicopter.
Welcoming Doc to his new home. He loved the long grass.
With awesome Aunt Rhonda and "Uncle" Dylan. (He's really Zac's cousin and Rhonda's son.)
Ice Cream!
The same eyes!
Making slime!
Mom and I making an apple pie for Doc's previous owners.
BYU Homecoming spectacular with David Archuleta and Colby Calait. Sooooo good.
Cougar races.
Zac's new work on his bday.