One of our battles with Sarah potty training. Yes she is sound asleep.
Playing three sports at once: Anne pitching a soccer ball to Rachel who is trying to hit it with a bat, with Sarah wearing a football helmet.
They were so excited to wear their soccer gear that they put it on in the car on the way home.
Playing with the bunny in Uncle Loren's yard.
Seriously one of the best pictures of these three. Thanks for the cool tree for the shot Uncle Loren.
Rachel's first soccer practice. It is so cool my kids playing soccer. It was such a big part of my life growing up. I hope they enjoy it as much as I did.
Anne's first soccer practice.
Pioneer Day celebration in Provo.
They loved the music.
Our ward had a Pioneer Day children's parade and breakfast, so we made our wagon into a covered wagon.
At the breakfast we had a dunk tank for our Bishopric.
Another cool crop, our purple potatoes!
First day of swim class!
A fun time at my cousin Clayton's wedding reception up in Salt Lake.
Rachel in our tomato patch having a snack.
A butterfly was caught in our greenhouse so Zac showed the girls and then set it free.
Getting ready for plum jamming season.
Zac and I had an awesome date night going to see my friend's play, going out to eat with friends, and then a beautiful motorcycle ride up the mountain to see out over the valley. Thanks to Loren for letting us borrow his bike and watch the kids and Aunt Jennifer for helping watch the kids as well :)
Another struggle with my two year old. She refused to eat her lunch so I told her she had to stay in her high chair till she did. So she fell asleep, napped for a while, woke up, ate her food and got down.
Zac saw these in the parking lot and thought it was cool.
Zac made a cool planter out of the stump of the tree he cut down in our front yard.
Colonial Days celebration in Orem on the 4th of July.
Another trapped creature in our greenhouse that Zac set free.
Hangin out in Uncle Loren's yard.
Anne and Rachel's third and Sarah's first visit to the dentist. Their first experience at the dentist at a different place than here was a nightmare. Horrible assistants and service. It took a while for them to feel comfortable enough to try it again. But this place, Brimhall Family Dentistry, in Provo, is excellent. As you can see from these pictures.
Sarah couldn't wait to jump up in the chair.
Back to that work party at the lake.
Another cookout in the backyard.
After we cut down the tree in the front yard, more light was able to come into the greenhouse and made all these starters (that we planted months ago) finally sprout. A little late guys! Oh well.
Rachel's first game. She had a blast and scored a goal!
Anne's first game. She also had fun running around the field.
Near the end of the game she asked her coach if she could play goalie. In her second game she got a save!