After :)
My new specs. My eyes were just buggin when I was reading so I went and got my first eye exam and it turns out I'm an old lady and need glasses, which I was not bugged about. I have always wanted glasses so I was excited :) I know, I'm weird.
Rockband FHE night.
Rachel the LegoMaster.
At preschool they had each student pick out of the dress up clothes, what they wanted to be when they grew up. Then they took their picture. Anne was holding an umbrella and a baby doll and said that she wanted to be a Mommy. How cool is that?
Night out for sushi! All three girls love sushi and edamame.
The "Jason" roll, which is my favorite. Cool name eh bro-in-law?
Yet another reason we love living in Provo. The Fire and Ice Festival. Just awesome.
Now that Sarah is weaned and sleeping through the night (YAY!) she is now in the pack n' play in the big girls' room. So bye bye crib....
This is what happened when we tried to make a Costco run at 7 o'clock at night. Sarah AND Anne are both out.
I put in a couple "photo shoots" where we are just trying to get a cute picture of the girls. It's hilarious to see what it takes to get a decent picture, silly kids.
Our ward had a "decades dance" so Zac and I picked the 90's. We each dressed how we did in the 90's.
What a stud ;)
A couple of my friends and I started a joyschool for Rachel and her buddies which as been going great! Rachel loves it and I love getting an oppurtunity to teach again! This is her on her first day.
And they both wanted me to take a picture of Anne's "pretty long hair" :)
Creamery ice cream mmm...
Rachel built Uncle Loren's house.
Some added decor to the girls' room.
I love what they pick out to wear.
Yay for spring and warm weather! It is back to being outside all day. I love that the girls are big enough to just go play out in the backyard while I'm making dinner.
Valentine's Day. Lots of love in this house. Heart and butterfly pancakes.
Beautiful roses from the hubby.
Anne had a fun Valentine's party at her school and then we had heart pizzas for dinner. Zac and I went out the next night to a fun book club dinner.
Sarah loves to read....and make messes.
Fun at the zoo with our buddies, the Enz's.
A beautiful shot from one of my runs along the Provo River trail.
How Anne wanted to go to school one day. I let them pick out their clothes, but I had to veto on this was 40 degrees outside.
Our Lego cat.
Homemade potato soup and bread
One of my many helpers. They love helping me make bread each week.
Yes, I put them to work.
Sarah is one!! In some ways I can't believe she's already a year old and in other ways it's hard to picture life before she was with us. We love our little Sarah. She is spunky, explorative, fiesty, snuggly, goofy, talkative, and just adorable. Her favorite things to do are playing with Shizzie, playing with the toy car and bikes outside, dancing, crawling after her sisters, playing with the play kitchen, and looking at books. She is a speedy crawler and is starting to walk. She's taken 7 steps and it getting more daring every day. She wants so badly to be able to keep up with her big sisters. At the doctors she measured in the 5th percentile for weight (not a big shocker for this family) and 54th for height. So maybe Sarah will be a shorty like her Mom. Who knows. We just know that we love you so much Sarah! And we're so excited to keep seeing your fun little personality emerge.
Big fan of the chocolate chocolate birthday cake. She had two slices.
First race of the year! The Rex Lee Run at BYU. So much fun, even with pushing Rachel and Anne. We couldn't have picked a nicer day for a run. Thanks for running with me Carlie!
Chicken pot pie. I've always wanted to make it.
Yes, this is how she dressed to go to Costco. Awesome :)
Oh yeah, and Sarah is the messiest eater on the planet. She actually consumes quite a bit of food, but a large portion of it also ends up on the floor, walls, her face, hair, and her sisters.
I'm guessing this was our last snow. The kids took full advantage of it.
Bike ride through the canyon.
Hard work....
BYU Men's volleyball game.
Awesome free ice cream maker attachment for my new mixer.
Big walker!!
Little mermaid.
Music lesson.
Back to the Fire and Ice Festival.
Zac participated in the funeral for a fallen police officer that was held at his work at UVU.
Back to the decades dance. The kids didn't want to sit in the children's class and watch a movie so we let them come dance with us. We all had a blast.
Art exhibit at BYU.
Rocket FHE night.
:) Hehe. Makes me laugh.
The girls love their new swim suits, thank you Aunt Dawn!
And thank you to everyone who sent such wonderful presents for our little Sarah. She thoroughly enjoyed unwrapping them (with the help of her sisters) and playing with her new things.
Rachel's love :)