Another little reader.
Sisters :)
Halloween ghost pancakes.
My pretty Cinderella, headed off to school on Halloween.
And my awesome little Spiderman (woman....whatever). Yes, she chose to be Spiderman for Halloween this year, eh why not? She rocked it.
She came up with this pose all by herself. She has NEVER seen spiderman before in her life. But she has some friends and cousins that are fans.
Wonderwoman and Spiderman
At Anne's school getting ready for Anne's costume parade.
Rachel and her buddy Bradley.
Anne at her 6 year doctor's appointment on Halloween. All healthy and happy. She loves going to the doctor and we love our doctor, thanks Dr. Anderson!
Mario and Itsy-Bitsy-Spider (Sarah's favorite story) and Zac's hobby these days ;)
Dance party for my 30th birthday party. It's been a fun 30 years and an exciting 30th year. I call it my pre-mid-life crisis. It was the year of the marathon, motorcycle class, and climbing a mountain. I have to say, it's been a pretty great 30 years. An awesome fun-filled childhood, thanks to my amazing parents, a romantic love-filled early 20's thanks my handsome hubby, and a crazy and incredible full-filling late 20's thanks to my three cute girly girls. I am so happy with my life thanks to my family, friends, and most importantly my testimony of Jesus Christ. Thanks all!
My Grandma and Grandpa Hebbert have moved into a care center so their house is being sold. My Uncles and Aunts came to help clean up the yard, tear down the sheds, and divide out things. It was a sad, interesting, and long process to look through their treasures. I learned so much about my grandparents and some of their ancestors. What a wonderful heritage I have.
One of the...I think 5 dumpsters that were filled to the brim.
Watching the big trucks with Grandma.
All coming down.
Snack time.
Grandma Russell's birthday dinner at Red Lobster, mmmm.
Yard sale the next weekend with the leftover items. We counted about 3,000 books!
Poor Rachel caught a bad bug the night before her birthday. We had to postpone her birthday party and the poor girl was miserable for a couple days. This picture accurately describes how she felt. She had originally asked for twisty noodles with mushrooms (her favorite food is canned mushrooms) but instead wanted blue soup, so blue chicken noodle soup it was. I got teary when saying the dinner prayer thanking Heavenly Father for my little Rachel because I am so thankful for her. I don't know what our family would be like without our little firecracker. She is spunky, kind, smart, stubborn, independent, goofy, and very lovable. Happy Birthday big girl!
We let her cut her cake, this is for Grandpa Russell :)
She cheered up for a bite of cake and to open some presents. Thank you to all who sent her fun presents, it made her day :)
Family Home Evening at the BYU track.
Painting one of Rachel's birthday presents, a horse piggy bank from Grandma Russell. They did so good taking turns and working together.
Mom caught the bug too so we all had a movie day.
Watching the first snowfall.
We painted the downstairs den at my grandparents' house. Before...
Rachel's Birthday party the next week. She was so excited to have all her little friends over to celebrate her birthday with her. Friends that came were Timothy, Spencer, and Katelyn Evans, Temperance DeHart, Garrett Macafee, Nathan Morin, Aleena Sanborn, Macie Branin, Cole Glassett, and Joshua Franz. Thank you so much for coming, for your generous gifts, and for making Rachel's day! And thank you to Carlie, Jennifer, and Zac for helping wrangle all those kids! :)
Duck duck goose.
Red light green light.
Hello Kitty Pinata.
Pirate and princess decor, blue cake with blue frosting. All per Rachel's request.
Anne loved clean up duty.
After the party we got free tickets to the BYU football game so we went and froze till halftime then we had to leave. It was just too cold, even with sleeping bags. That was the coldest I have been in a loooong time.
The cold weather means yummy comfort soups like this broccoli cheese soup in a homemade bread bowl topped with bacon crumbs, mmm.
Zac had had a mishap with one of his flights so we got a coupon for a $100 off a ticket so I was blessed to be able to go visit my sister Michelle's family in Tulsa, Oklahoma in November the weekend before Thanksgiving. It was so much fun! It was so nice to be able to sit and talk with my sister and get to know my awesome brother in law and her boys. It was also neat to see the sights. Tulsa is a beautiful place with very kind people. I missed my girls and Zac like crazy. Thank goodness for Skype so we were able to see each other and talk. But I did enjoy being able to sleep all through the night and get up whenever I wanted. It was a great way to recharge the batteries. Thank you Angels for such an awesome, relaxing trip!
Harvey man! I can't believe how big he got in a year. So mature and funny and so much energy!
Koda. I miss those cheeks :)
We went to a cool children's museum.
We got to build things and take computers apart.
More sushi! (Yes, I was spoiled :)
Their pool in the backyard.
The park, also in their backyard.
Michelle's husband Jason is a police officer in Tulsa, so I got to sit in the driver's seat of his squad car and turn on the lights. Mostly so I could show my girls, they LOVE police cars....but also for me, it was cool :)
I can't remember the name of this guy?? But a landmark in Tulsa so Harvey and I got a picture with him.
Thanksgiving morning. This was seriously one of the best, most relaxing Thanksgivings I have ever had as an adult. We cooked, went for a run, watched the Macy's Parade, ate, watched Cars and napped, then ate some more.
Morning snuggles with Aunt Jennifer.
Anne and I went for a 2 mile run together.
We have so much to be thankful for.
Little stinker :)
And some cute videos, enjoy!