Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Summer Has Begun

So this is gonna be a big one so here we go:

BYU Men's Volleyball game 

The girls got to go down on the court and dance with Cosmo, they were thrilled!

Dessert pizza at All American Pizza Pie Cafe...mmm...
Sharing :)

At the Orem Owlz baseball game.

Daddy's work.
My first race after having Sarah.  I did a Memorial Day run and it was a blast! I wanted to run it under 30 min and finished in 28 so I was a happy lady!

My little flower girls.

Fun with Shizzie.

Cute little Sarah

Did some sanding and painting to our downstairs apartment. Fun fun.
And why I was doing the sanding and painting.  Poor Zac tore the ligament on the outside of his ankle and had to have it repaired.  He is very excited to get his cast off in a couple days! Yay!
Out with the old in with the new.

Re-organized my kitchen.

Our pretty flowers.  While I was pruning I decided it would be a waste to just throw away these beauties so I decided to sell them which was a lot of fun and I was able to make a few extra bucks.

Notice Zac's sock on her foot.  I asked her why she put that on and she said it was her cast. So cute.

Having fun in Grandpa Russell's very cool truck.

Cool Uncle Loren had some cool toys.  He had some big fans.

Camping/Four-Wheeling trip down at the Coral Pink Sand Dunes with Grandpa Russell, Loren, and the Herzogs.  Awesome!

Just cool.

My cousin Everette, his wife Amber, and their cute little boy Jude :)

Helping me make Zac's Father's Day cake. 

Fun on the swing.

In and Out
Rachel misses her Harvey buddy :(
Exploring Provo

I turned around in Walmart and saw this in our cart.  Guess who put it there?
Touring the new Rec Center. The girls loooved the climbing wall, who would've thought?

First run with all the girls.

How do you convert a double jogging stroller into a triple? this:
I love living in Provo!

You can't see it, but all three girls were asleep on a trip home from Costco.

Bike Parade with our buddies the Evans!

The girls each have their own "Baby Sarah" dolls.

Reading time.

Funky faces but very cute outfit :)