Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Quick but Cute

Just some cuteness from home.  

These girls love their new baby sister.
 Tummy time.
 Planting apple trees (unfortunately Shizzie detroyed these days later :( )
 Cutie Patootie.  She had her two month appointment and is doing great! She's in the 27% percentile for weight and 67% percentile for height.  She even impressed the Pediatrician with her rolli-polliness.  He said usually babies don't roll like she does till their four months old.  Our little strong-woman  :)

 Our Smiley-Sarah!  She is by far the smiliest baby I've ever seen.  She smiles every time we get her from her crib and almost every time we just smile at her.  Even if she's crying, she'll stop and smile and then keep crying.  Such a cutie.

 Rachel and Anne have been very into their baby dolls since Sarah was born.  Rachel's is named baby Sarah as well :)  They go with us in the car and on stroller rides.  They burp, change, and even feed their babies.  (I won't take a picture of that one, but it's kind of funny :)
 Sarah on her blessing day.  So grateful for the Priesthood in our home and that Zac is able to bless our beautiful little girls :)  She smiled throughout the entire blessing.

 I think this picture is one of my favorites of her so far.