After Zac shaved:
Grandma Thatcher came to visit! We had a great time and even got to go to the zoo! The girls loved the animals and machines (they're building and Anne is fascinated with machines).
Our big helper.
Nice Anne. Very two of you.
We loved having Grandma here! We wish she didn't live so far away :(
Just a note to those going to the bird show at the slc zoo. It's an awesome wonderful show but if your child melts down because it is too noisy you can't get up and leave till it's done. Not a fun situation.
My new favorite picture of Rachel. Big ol' smile and you see her cute little teeth!
We took Shizzy to the reservoir to get her used to the water. Not the greatest idea considering the water is pure mountain runoff so it was a tad cold. She wasn't a fan.
So cute.
While we were there Anne kept saying "Fish! Fish!" and I wasn't seeing any fish swimming around near the shore....until a dead fish floated by on the surface. Ew...but she was right, she saw a fish.The girls love bath time. Anne likes playing with her toys and Rachel likes eating the bubbles.
Cutie Patootie.
Slightly out of order. But how can you not love that face?
One word....teething.
Headed off to church.
Grandma time.
She's cute even when she's crying.
Pool time outside with our friends. And yes Anne is wearing a wet suit. That's what comes from not having any fat on those bones.
Rachel looking very stylish in her swimming attire :)
Rachel sure loves her peas. She has also has a new-found love of rubbing her meal all over her face.
I had to put this one in here.
Our Axel Rose daughter. Dad did the accessorizing.
Anne's first bike. I made a cool find at DI and looking at pictures of my Dad when he was little I think they had the same bike. It's a classic.
BBQ in the backyard.
Anne putting Shizzy's bone in the pool...Shizzy eating someone's leftovers. Good times.
I love my family.
All are fascinated by the ABC game. At least it's educational.
Anne loves to help me with the chores. Especially the sweeping.
Our first harvest! There is nothing like home-grown strawberries to start the summer off right. Mmmmm.
Kite-flying at the park.
Rachel helped.