Sorry it's been a while again, we've just been having so much fun here, it's hard to remember to update the this one's kinda long.
Anne update: She's 9 months old! Which is crazy. I can't believe how big and old she's getting. It seems like every day she's getting more and more like a little girl and less like a little baby. At her doctor's visit we found out she's still in the 90th percentile for heighth and 13% for weight which we can't understand because she eats everything. She eats almost everything we do and a ton of it and still nurses and still has a bottle every now and then. We don't know where she's putting it. She's not crawling yet, but in the past week she's started to become more active on her tummy and we think it might be soon. But she's quite the little talker and has said fun words like "Mama" "Burp" "Brr" (for bear) "Poop"(I know not the greatest, but she says it while she's doing it which might come in handy for potty training in the future)"All done" "Mine" "Hi" and just in time for Father's Day...."Dada" which she says usually in hushed tones like a whisper which we think is hilarious. She also imitates the sounds that I make which is a lot of fun. She's waving at Hi and Bye bye and is making new friends all the time, especially with her buddies downstairs.
Zac update: Zac is doing great at his job and is having a lot of fun working with the Young Men in the ward. He's preparing for his big hike at the end of the month and so therefore is going to the gym every morning at 6:30am. He's also excited about finally getting our gun safe, which had been a long process. Zac's also having fun with our new downstairs neighbors and had a fun and eventful rabbit hunting trip (no one was hurt (not even the rabbits), but the Mamas worried when they came home at midnight instead of three hours earlier as planned when one of the trucks broke down).
Ilene update: I am just having a blast being a mama and watching Anne grow. I love spending time with her each day and reading stories and playing. We go to story time, the duck pond, and recently downstairs a lot to play with our buddies and get sewing tips from Emily (pictures are soon to come of my sewing projects for the 4th of July) Another favorite past time for both of us has been running! Thank you Gabbie so much for that jogging stroller, it has come in very handy and has been well used. Thanks to running and kickboxing I was finally able to celebrate losing all my pregnancy weight and a couple pant sizes! :) Zac and I celebrated by buying new outfits (which came with a $50 rebate so the jeans were free, nice bonus).

Uncle Loren came to visit and we had an awesome time :) First stop (on the way back from the airport) was the air show up at Hill Air Force base. I know I had to have gone to some when I was younger, but I can't remember them, so it was like a first experience for me and Anne. And we loved it!
Classic shot of Anne and Dada.

Especially taken for Grandpa Russell.

So excited this one turned out! She's not actually in the plane, but it sure looks like it huh? Only after I sent this one to my Dad for Father's Day did I realize (he pointed out) the word experiemental below her, which adds a whole other element to it. :)

Yes, my little girl wears pink onsies with chicks on them...and army vehicle hats.

Loren got a great shot here of the Thunderbirds performing. That was the only part of the show we were in time for, but really all we wanted to see, so it worked out great! They were amazing and loud which was great except I had to cover Anne's ears a lot. But she liked it and we had no complaints.

The gang.

And about two seconds after the show ended, Anne zonked out.


Second stop, wings...mmmmm good.

And lastly, shooting...of course. And look how green it is!! This has been one of the rainiest and coldest Junes for Utah in a lonnnnggg time. And we love it.

Loren being...Loren. :)

We took turns hanging out in the car with Anne so we all could shoot. The car acted as a great sound barrier but got a little toasty.

Zac doing what he does best.

Our new toys. We've been having a lot of fun rocking out lately. It was especially fun to have two of my brothers and my cousin to help in the rockin'. :)

Anne just having some fun with Dad at Costco. She was trying to eat his hat until I pulled out the camera of course. She loves to play with our hats and sunglasses.

I just thought this was a funny expression, king of like a "What are you doing Mom?"

On the rare days that the sun shines, we've been having some fun in the water! We went with our friends to the community Veterans pool and had a blast. There was a nice big area for the little ones to play that had sprayers and fountains and all kinds of stuff. Anne splashed away and liked playing with the fountains trying to catch the water. We don't have any pictures of the pool because we had to hurry and take just this one because cameras were not allowed! When we asked why they said it's because of people taking pictures of other people's kids. I think that is just sad.

We've also gone swimming in our little wading pool with our buddies to cool off. Anne was more interested in the grass here than posing for mama. But it's still a cute picture of her new swimsuit, thanks Aunt Rhonda!

Anne's always been one to make funny noises with her lips, but this newest one actually looks and sounds like kisses. She did it while eating tuna for the first time and now does it whenever she likes the taste of what she's eating.
One of her favorite games that she can now do herself. We thought it was hilarious that in the middle of playing she gets distracted by something on the floor and gets sidetracked, very her.
Just being giggly for her Aunt Rhonda who came to visit and with whom we had a great and relaxing weekend! :)