Monday, February 16, 2009

A Day in the Life Of and other Fun Stuff

While I was pregnant I remember getting asked "What are you going to do all day?" when I told someone I wasn't going back to work and was going to be a full-time stay-at-home Mom. I think there are quite a few people that think all we do is sleep and watch tv all day. Though I have to admit the first couple weeks was pretty much like that because that's what newborns do...things are a little different now. So here is what Anne and I did yesterday. I didn't add in anything that I normally wouldn't do.
7:00 am - Wake up with Anne
7:05 - Change diaper
7:10 Nurse Anne
7:40 - I eat breakfast and we sit and watch Jon and Kate plus 8

8:15 - Change diaper
8:20 - Wash Anne's face and change her clothes, put her on her tummy for 20 minutes of tummy time
8:30 - Wash my face and change my clothes

8:40 - Get diaper bag ready and Anne bundled into car seat
8:50 - Leave to go to the Shade sale at Provo high school with 50 billion other women excited for an everything is only $5 sale (though we don't do this every day, we do often have some kind of outing)
9:45 - Get home
10:00 - Kickboxing while Anne plays in her jumper

10:30 - Stop kickboxing to nurse Anne
11:00 - Put Anne down in her crib for a nap and finish kickboxing

11:30 - Take shower, clothe, do my hair and makeup
12:00 - Clean kitchen (empty dishwasher, load dishwasher, wash pots and pans that don't fit in dishwasher, wash counters and stove)

12:20 Eat lunch
12:30 Fold four batches of clothes while watching Happy Feet

12:45 Anne wakes up from nap, change diaper, start 20 minutes of tummy time while I finish folding laundry and putting it away

1:05 - Nurse Anne
1:30 File Anne's nails
1:40 Read stories to Anne

2:05 Play piano with Anne

2:20 Nurse Anne, fall asleep with her while trying to read Pride and Prejudice
5:00 Zac comes home and we spend the rest of the evening eating dinner, going to the store to get ice cream for family night, feed Anne her rice cereal, nurse her while Zac fixes my laptop, go to sleep
I'm so glad and very blessed to be able to stay home with my girl and cuddle with her and teach her myself.

Here are some pictures of us just hanging out at home. (Yep, I got a new hair much easier to deal with. )

Anne fell asleep like this one night and stayed there for about a half hour. It was hilarious, and yes we made sure she could still breathe.

We had a rough week or so with Anne having her first bad cold. Lots of coughing, sneezing, wheezing, runny nose, and just overall sadness. Poor thing just wanted to nurse and sleep all day. I think this picture just captures how she felt.

She starting to want to hold her bottle herself and can do it pretty well for a little while then she just lets us do it.

Daddy and his cutie
Her first solid food feeding!Here's a video to go along with the pitcures of her first solid food experience. She did great! She loved it when it was nice and soupy but when we made it thicker she ...didn't like it so much. I can't believe she's already old enough to do this! She turned 5 months on Monday!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Uncle Loren and Laughing

Anne made a new buddy! She had a blast with her Uncle Loren when he came to visit. She liked his crazy sounds and funny expressions :)

Here's Anne and her new toy! It says it's for 6 mo old and up but at her doctor's visit she's still in the 97% for height so she reaches just fine. She's learning to hold herself up and she loves playing with the toys on it. Though I think the bouncing part will come later on.
Another cute shot of Anne's favorite sleeping position. Oh girly one.
Another of her favorite pastimes, her finger chewing.
Anne and I had an adventure and drove the jeep up to Salt Lake to take Loren to the airport (we had to take the Jeep because of the big snow storm that hit the night before). That was her first time in the jeep so we bundled her all up in her cute bear snuggle outfit (the jeep's not quite as insolated as the car). She absolutely loved the ride and slept the entire way, I think because it was so bumpy.This is by far the cutest video we've taken. We were playing with her puppy and I threw it up in the air and made a dive-bombing noise and it accidently came down and landed in her face and she started gut laughing. We did it over and over again and she kept laughing. So this is a couple mintues after we'd been doing it. I've decided there's no better sound in the whole world than of her laughing.