Monday, October 6, 2014

Anne is 6!

To help with our family scripture study we came up with some fun new ideas.  First, we use the picture scriptures, then we have one of them tell us what the story was about, then they pick out a word that best describes the story, then they get to write it on the chart while the other gets to put a sticker in the box. It has definitely made scripture study more fun and insightful. It was pretty cool to see what words they picked.

Celebrating Labor Day at the Provo River

My girls love worms and bugs.  I asked Zac to squish a big one in the tub the other day and Anne had a hard time with it.  She kept saying "It was a nice bug though, it wouldn't bite us, it didn't have teeth!"

A glimpse of our retirement.
Yes, even Sarah.

Our Labor Day grub, BBQ chicken and homegrown corn on the cob.
Finished off with the last snow cones of the season.

Our little climber.

Fun with canning! Tomatoes, apricot jam, red plum jam, and pickles, lots and lots of pickles. 
We had a fun visit from my friend Carrie from Virginia! It was so good to catch up and spend time with such an awesome person. I think we'll make it a regular thing :)
Having fun at "Chalk the Block" at the Riverwoods. We added our own artwork.

Our little social butterfly. Rachel made some dancing buddies at the concert.
So did Sarah :)
Check! One more thing checked off my life's bucket list. These awesome ladies (Carlie Evans, Carrie Uffelman) and I hiked Mt. Timpanogos, all 11, 752 feet of it. It was beautiful, tall, long, spectacular, tiring, and humbling.  So grateful for my body that allowed me to do it and for this beautiful Earth that was made for us by a loving Heavenly Father.

We got to sign the book at the hut at the summit.

Those itty bitty white dots are mountain goats.

I did it!
The "official" summit.
Visiting Temple Square in Salt Lake.

Jennifer (my sister) and Carrie helping me can some pickles.
We asked Anne what she wanted to do for her 6th birthday and she said she wanted to ride on the train again, so that's what we did! Jennifer made her a pretty new wedding dress and our little princess got to ride all over town :)

We are so proud of our oldest girl.  She has been learning, growing, and making us so proud.  Kindergarten has been a bit of a struggle for her but she is figuring things out and working so hard to overcome her fears.  She is so imaginative.  She absolutely loves dressing up, pretending to be a princess, doctor, teacher, and mom.  She is always asking to help clean....really.  She loves sweeping, mopping, wiping up the bathroom, cleaning the kitchen table, and more.  Sarah adores her biggest sister and will let her lead her around anywhere and copies what she does.  She is still snuggly and loves to just curl up and take a nap with us on the couch.  We love our biggest little girl :)

We went out to eat up in Salt Lake at Chili's.

We accidently got on the wrong bus to get back to the train station so we got to do even more rides ALL over Salt lake.  We ended up getting home at like 9:30 at night, but Anne was in heaven.

Happy and grumpy princesses.
Sarah likes to get in on the dress up action.  She can now sing most of the words of "Let it Go".  It is definitely her favorite song.
On a day that Anne had had a hard day at school, Rachel drew a picture of her with her old teacher Mrs. Jo to cheer her up.
School it a little draining.  Poor thing takes a nap most days when she comes home and still sleeps a full 12 hours at night.
Rachel is in love with Spiderman, which is kind of funny because she's never actually seen a spiderman show, movie, or anything.  I think it more has to do with a buddy and cousin of hers that likes him.   Guess what she wants to be for Halloween?
Zac and I celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary! Jennifer was awesome enough to watch our girls for the night and Zac and I went up to Salt Lake and stayed at the Anniversary Inn.
But first we had a very yummy dinner at the Cheesecake Factory.

We got a sweet deal on our room.  This was the view from our private back porch!

It was so quiet :)

We stopped and got sushi on our way home the next day.
A caterpillar Anne made for school.
Every Sunday we go visit my grandparents in their care center in Pleasant Grove.  This particular time, some of my Aunts and Uncles happened to be there as well so we played some music and Rachel danced for Grandma and Grandpa.

The girls love going to see "Papa" as Sarah says.  It's been such a good experience for them to get to know their great grandparents.
And of course if there's a puddle.....

...and kittens.
Opening her birthday present from Grandma Thatcher.  Her face says it all. Thank you Grandma!
I absolutely loooooove footy pajamas.  She is so darn cute.
Eating apples at the Hebbert's house.

Zac's Camera

Playing at Provo River for Labor Day

Jennifer and I had fun with Anne's "Princess" themed birthday :)
Daddy is a hoot

And one more that you have to paste the link in your browser cause blogger is being difficult:

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