Sunday, January 10, 2010

Snow and ....she's off!

I know this looks bad, but it gets better I promise. This was Anne's first experience in the snow and as you can see it wasn't a huge hit. Zac got off work early but it was still pretty late in the day so it was cold and she was ready for dinner, so it was short and not so sweet.

Later I took her out all bundled up the snuggly pack for a walk in the snow to the library. She liked being snuggled up with Mom and catching snow flakes in her mouth.
Anne was a fan of candy canes.

These next two pictures would have been perfect had they been in focus, but either way, she's still cute. :)

Our little girl is definitely becoming a little toddler. She is starting to want her own here she escaped from me while I was trying to put on her pj's...but she looked so cute.

We went for a walk around the block her Anne's new ride. At the end I put my hands out to pick her up out of the car and she clung to the steering wheel and kept giving it kisses.
Speaking of's this year's first snowmen courtesy of my sister Michelle and hubby Jason and Zac.

Anne was still not too thrilled with the snow until her little buddy Michael came out to play too. After that she not only warmed up to the snow, but decided that she was a big girl and stood by herself for the first time! I think she wanted to be like her buddy.
Much happier that at the beginning :)

Fun with Daddy.
First sled ride.

Slightly upgraded second sled ride. (She's lauging even though it sounds like she's crying.)

Auntie Michelle vs. Snowman...

Car ride.

And last but definitely not least!!!


Lindzie said...

I can't see the last video! Wow...she's gotten so big

Michelle said...

Hey Ilene & Zac,
Thank you for the giggles...AWECOME!!!!!
It was so cood to "chill" wichyall. So I am trying one way of being a part of the Mormon conversation online, and I just started posting thoughts I have about life, things I'm studying, hearing...if you'd like to join in, I don't how to send you an invitation but the address is

Michelle said...

so that's aweSome and .coM :)

rebecca said...

Ilene, you have such an adorable family! Your daughter is so cute! I hope all is well with you. Becky