Sunday, March 22, 2009

6 Months Old!

We can't believe it, Anne's six months old! A lot of new fun stuff has been happening with her in the past couple weeks. She's getting her first tooth (we're still not 100% sure it's a tooth, it's still mainly a white dot, but I felt today and I can feel a bump, so who knows), she said her first word ("Mom", not, she sat up on her own, and took her first shower. Obviously we don't have pictures of her shower, but let us just tell you, she was hilarious. She loves the water. She even figured out the second time she was in there how to put her face in the water and slurp.
We are just loving our little girl and cherishing what's left of her little baby time!

We've also had a nice turn for the better as far as weather goes here in Utah so we've been spending quite a bit of time outside!
Our big girl sitting up all by herself! She can do it for a long time until she gets too excited and topples backwards or reaches for something.
Does she look like her Daddy or what?
We're transitioning from her Bumbo chair (which works great!) to her high chair (slightly less messy). She looks so tiny in it!

She's also found her toes, though she's not a toe sucker, she likes to grab them every now and then.
Our little buddy Molly turned 2! We were deciding between two hats to get her, one that her parents would like (less girly) and this one because she is absolutely in love with "Lala" (Cinderella). We figured it was her birthday and got her the girly one. I'm sure her parents will get us back when Anne is older :)
Sadly, Zac had to spend three days in Idaho for work. Happily, he was able to get off work on Friday so we've been able to have a great weekend! On Friday we all went put-putting (instead of real golfing that I so badly wanted to do, in the end we decided this was probably safer for Anne).

Even though Zac won, he had some funny mishaps during the game. If you can see it, his blue ball is stuck in the wall below the pipe. And yes, I made him hit it from there. :)
This was his next shot. Anne just wanted to play too. :)
While Daddy was gone, we went downstairs and played with our buddies Hayley and Ellie (the other little one in the picture). Ellie let Anne play in her bouncer for a little while and wanted to show her how to do it
We took Anne to the park for her first experience with the swings. She did much better than either of us thought she would. Though she's still pretty little, she held her head up great and was laughing.

Anne decided to sit up all of a sudden on her own on the day of her sixth month birthday.

At her doctor's visit he told us that she is very "socially aware" for her age which means we are already at "stranger danger" time. Just in the last couple weeks she refuses to be held by anyone but Zac and I. Although! We had our good friend Sheri babysit for us over the weekend and we learned how to help her overcome her stranger anxiety and the next day Sheri was able to hold her and even rock her to sleep! We hope this stranger anxiety is just a quick phase that she grows out of soon.

Anne got a new toy for her birthday. She had been playing with it for a while before we decided to take the video. She was impressing us with her ability to catch it when we rolled it to her and batting it away back to me.

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

your little girl is ADORABLE! how are you? is it ok if i read your blog? ours is private so if you want to read it, send me an email to and i'll send you an invitation to view it!