Sunday, October 27, 2013

Zac's Birthday and Much Much More

 Zac has new calling in the Church of an assistant to the Stake Young Men's Presidency and is a Unit Commissioner for the Boy Scouts.  He is thrilled to be back working with the young men and scouts.  Here he is at a Court of Honor at Rock Canyon Park which was pretty neat.  The girls and I went cause I don't know how much our girls will be able to observe what the Scouting program is, so we thought we would go and participate.

We got to go see a BYU football game with all the girls which was a blast!  A little cold, but still awesome.  Go Cougs!
 Sarah slept surprisingly well considering we were literally one row from the top and right under the speakers.

 Mommy daughter date to the mall to get Anne's pictures taken for her birthday.  Afterwards we grabbed some yummy ice cream at Sub-Zero, mmm.  It is very rare for me to have one on one time with Anne.  I loved hearing her thoughts and see her excited goofiness :)

 Rainy days can't keep us from the great outdoors :)

 Zac and I volunteered to teach the Space Exploration Scout Meritbadge at the Scout Jam 100 this year in Heber.  We had a great time researching all the info and I had a blast teaching again!
 Cool big bubble things they had there just for fun.
 Yay for Scouts!
 At American Pizza Pie Cafe, one of our favs :)
 We tried out a new Mexican seafood place for Zac's Bday which wasn't awesome but we were highly impressed that Anne was wanting and about to eat this shrimp whole.  That girl will eat anything.
 So for Zac's birthday this year I found an awesome deal on a flight lesson.  It was one of Zac's dreams to fly a plane so he finally got to do it!  Poor Anne wanted to go too and would've had we let her, but there was only room for two.

 Beautiful moutains.

Random field across from Costco the girls explored while I had to feed Sarah.
 Yard clean-up day.  Rachel proudly showing our "tomato tree" as she called it.
 Our end of year tomato harvest. Loooots of green ones.  I hope they ripen in my windowsills or else we'll be eating lots of fried green tomatoes!
 Made some yummy tomato pasta sauce and canned pears from my Grandparents' house.
 Anne's preschool class took a field trip to the pumpkin patch and we all got to go!

 Anne's teacher Mrs. Jo.  and of course Rachel has to be on the shot.
 Anne and some of her preschool buddies.  I've only heard her mention a few like Alyssa, the girl sitting next to her on the left.  She said, "She's really nice."
 Our preschool at home.  Who needs fancy desks?  Cardboard boxes from Costco does the trick.
 Home Depot
 Cafe Rio, mmmm...
 Roses from Zac for our 8th Anniversary.  So pretty :)
 Red Plum Jam
 Just doing puzzles in the front room.  One of their favorite past times.
 I just thought this was so cute.  Zac is such a good Daddy.
 Homemade applesauce.
 Morning snuggle time.
 I know she looks like a boy here but she looks so cute in her Cougar wear :)
 I turned around one morning while we were eating cereal in the front room and Anne was sitting like this.  Funny girl.
 Zac's other birthday present the girls picked out for him.  I think they like it as much as Zac does.

 I can't believe Sarah is 8 months old!  She is now sitting up all by herself no problem which has opened a whole new world to her playing.  She's starting to inch forward a little bit but still not too worried about crawling.  You'll hear her talking in one of the videos below.
 So one morning, right after I had given Sarah her bath,  I made up some sweet potatoes for her breakfast and then Rachel needed my help in the bathroom.  So I set the food down and while I was helping Rachel all of a sudden I raced to the kitchen to realize, yes I did leave the sweet potatoes on her tray...and she was helping herself.  As I walked in she was holding the bowl up to her face drinking it.  But she had also managed to get it all over herself from the very top of her head alllll the way down to her toes.  Instead of being mad I just laughed, got the camera, took pictures, fed her another helping of potatoes, then gave her another bath. 

 She got the camera.

 More playtime with sisters.
Date night! Zac and I attended our Stake Ball while our good friend Carlie watched the girls. 
 Just funny.  One of those pictures she will hate when she's 16 :)
 It's Done!!! After months of painting and furnishing it's finally complete.  I re-did our bedroom into my dream bedroom.  Yay!  Thank you Mom for making our bedspread which was inspiration for the entire room.

The picture frame says "Life.  It's not measured by the breaths we take but the moments that take our breaths away." One of Zac and my's favorite songs.  Around it are pictures of all our daughters' births and then around them, pictures of our wedding.

 On this left wall we'll evenurally have black and white pictures of all our immediate family members (Moms, Dads, brothers and sisters).
 My favorite part, the doors.  I love the old big door knobs.

 Saturday morning snuggles.
 Hand painted beauties from Zac's Granny.
 More pictures from the BYU game.

 Zac's cousin Jamie got married up in Salt Lake so we were blessed to be able to visit with Zac's Mom, brother, sister, and Grandparents.  It was a wonderful visit and beautiful wedding.

Salt Lake Temple

 If you look really hard you can see a little one.
 The kids all loooooved the dancing.  Anne kept wanting Jamie to dance with her so she followed her all over the dance floor. 
 Rachel and her cousin Brooke became best buds.  I've never seen Rachel so sad to leave a friend before.  Even the next day she woke up and said, "I miss Brooke."  Can't wait to visit with you guys again soon!

 Another pic from Pizza Pie Cafe.  Yummy dessert pizza.
 The morning of Zac's birthday celebrations was also BYU Homecoming so here the girls are in the Kids Cougar Run.  Rachel ran the 200 meter run and came in 7th.  She would've gone even faster had she run in the inside lane, but oh well, she loved it so much she ran in Anne's race too.

 Anne ran all 400 meters of her race and loved every second of it.  They were a little disappointed when it was over, they wanted to do it over and over again.  Our cute little runners.

 Homecoming Parade

 On Zac's plane.  She was starting to buckle up.
 Zac took some pictures while he was up with the instructor.

 At Church.

 More Anne's field trip.

 Pictures courtesy of Rachel. 

 1) Sarah's talking.  She is clearly trying to tell me something :)  2) "If you're happy and you know it" 3) Rachel's crazy dance